Why does HealthBlocks find it so important to give ownership and control of health data back to users?

Because these elements are crucial to allow for fair value distribution. When you own and control the data, you are in charge. The last bit is to provide privacy preserving computation or blind computation to allow other parties to get insights from the data without getting your data. Data ownership isn’t transferred, just the insights.

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How is HealthBlocks giving me ownership and control over my data?

We store all your health data in your data profile. With HealthBlocks V1 the data is stored in our backend & in the decentralized data store of the Nillion Network. The data that is stored on Nillion will be encrypted so your privacy is always guaranteed. On top of this private and decentralized data storage we will build a data platform so you can freely exchange your data with 3rd parties (without revealing it) and get rewarded.

We currently also hold the data in our storage to be able to run the app. When technically possible we will fully switch over to Nillion and will not have direct access to the data anymore. This day we will celebrate!

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